
Showing posts from June, 2020

How to prevent unseasonal leaf shedding in indoor plants

How to prevent unseasonal leaf shedding in indoor plants Quick tips for keeping a check upon unseasonal leaf shedding in indoor plants You can just search a bit on google and first know about the shedding habits of your plant check for any insect growth like mealybugs, ants or whiteflies See to that you are not giving your plant very hot or very cold water See that your plant is getting sufficient amount of sunlight Don't over or under water your indoor plants Seasonal leaf shedding What is unseasonal leaf shedding Causes and cures of unseasonal leaf shedding Seasonal Shedding :                     Seasonal shedding is when your indoor plant sheds its leaves in a particular season. Though most of the plants like shedding their leaves in the autumn and some may even shed in late winters and that is just normal. But the problem arises when your plant sheds its leaves in a time period when it i...

Top 5 best plants and gardening practice amid monsoons

Top 5 best plants and gardening practice amid monsoons Taking care that you're not over or under-watering your plant, looking for stagnant water and removing it, pruning your plants, and checking your plant's water requirements before watering are some simple tips to take care of your plants during monsoons. You can also try planting plants like beetroot, cauliflowers, tomatoes, cucumbers, and okra in this monsoon. Why take special care of plants during monsoons How to take good care 5 best plants to start growing in monsoons Why you should take special care of your plants during monsoons :                     Well, this is true, that plants nourish quite well during monsoons. The reason behind this is that they get enough natural water and get rid of the excessive heat that they had been facing during the summers. Plats also absorb moisture from the surroundings which boosts their...